Gifting Yourself

Quite often, but especially during the holidays, I get so caught up in giving to others that I tend to forget to care for myself. So here are some suggestions of perfect gifts to give to yourself all year long.

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Letting go of the past
  3. Saying no without excuses and without feeling guilty
  4. Accepting yourself, wholeheartedly, quirks and all
  5. Staying true to who you are no matter what others think
  6. Trying one new thing a month
  7. Keeping an open mind, a kind heart, a peace filled spirit and words that inspire
  8. Making time, once a week, to make yourself a priority and do something you want
  9. Following your heart to make the dreams and wishes you shelved long ago to become alive again
  10. Living your life out loud with no regrets
  11. Getting your brave on so as to trample fear so you can accomplish what your heart desires
  12. Most importantly, love of your entire being. Love of all your flaws and imperfections. Simply, love of yourself

Blessings, Annie